Zoe and Yael Koff’s B’not Mitzvah – Saturday, January 21, 2023, 10:00 a.m.
Before moving with their family to Mississippi in 2021, twin sisters Zoe and Yael Koff were actively involved at CNT – attending Religious School since age 5, singing in Shir Heart, and performing in the annual Purim Spiel. They are delighted to return “home” to CNT for their B’not Mitzvah – which happens to be the same day as their 13th birthday! Their Torah portion is Va’era. Zoe and Yael are straight-A students at Biloxi Junior High School and share a passion for music. Zoe is in the school show choir and sings in a band at the Hard Rock Casino Resort. Yael plays violin in the school orchestra and is learning the electric guitar. Both girls are also members of the National Jr. Beta Club, an invitation-only organization that engages young leaders in community service projects. They love spending time with family and friends and are great role models for their little sister, Noa. For their mitzvah project, Zoe and Yael are fundraising for The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention and crisis intervention organization for LBGTQ youth: https://give.thetrevorproject.org/Yael-and-Zoe
Zoe and Yael plan to continue their Jewish learning as members of the Springhill Avenue Temple in Mobile, Alabama.
Zoe and Yael’s parents are Erika and Ben Koff.