On Saturday, February 25, MENSch Club Members will come together for a night filled with Steaks & Spirits starting at 5:30 p.m. at CNT. “Steaks & Spirits is an opportunity for the men of Ner Tamid to hang out and get to know each other at the Temple,” Josh Wertheimer, MENSch Cub president, said. “This has been a very popular, enjoyable event over the years.” Want to be a MENSch? If you are interested in joining this great group of men and would like more information, please contact menschprez@lvnertamid.org.
Cost is $20 for MENSch Club Members, $40 for Not-Yet Members.
Reserve your spot by contacting: menschtreas@earthlink.net, or call Jack Silas at (702) 914-5776.