REGISTER NOW for Congregation Ner Tamid’s next Seniors Program on Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. The Chanukah-themed event at the Gary and Lynn Kantor Hall will feature Glori Rosenberger, one of the CNT Shabbatones, who will lead a holiday song sing-along with her guitar while attendees nosh on Chanukah latkes, kugel, and jelly donuts, and play Chanukah games.
CNT’s Seniors Program is open to the public for those aged 65 and older.
CNT Members attend for FREE. Not-Yet Members pay $10.
CNT’s Seniors Program is sponsored by CNT Member David Mizrahi in honor of his father Joseph Mizrahi.
RSVP HERE:—12-8-22.html