Congregation Ner Tamid will honor Sara Gordon, Interim Dean and William S. Boyd Professor of Law at UNLV’s William S. Boyd School of Law, as the recipient of this year’s Justice Michael A. Cherry Tikkun Olam Community Service Award. A Champagne Brunch will be presented by Lexy and Sam Lionel on Sunday, May 22, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., at Bottiglia Restaurant at GVR. Tickets are $100. Click here to RSVP! Seating will be limited.
Sara Gordon has been on the front lines of drug and mental health law reform and has written several Law Review articles about those topics. She teaches courses in criminal law, mental health law, and evidence and is a member of the law school’s Health Law Program. Before joining the faculty at Boyd in 2006, Sara practiced commercial litigation and employment law at Hale Lane, now Holland and Hart, in Las Vegas. Sara was born and raised in Las Vegas, and starting at age five, she attended Sunday School, Hebrew school, was a member of Ner Tamid Temple Youth (NTTY) and celebrated her Bat Mitzvah at Congregation Ner Tamid.
For sponsorship opportunities contact Edward Simon (702) 733-6292
Tikkun Olam Committee Chairs:
Julie Marcus – VP of Ways & Means
U.S. Senator for Nevada Jacky Rosen
Former U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley
Nevada Supreme Court Justice Elissa F. Cadish
The Honorable Joanna S. Kishner, Eighth Judicial District Court
Lexy and Sam Lionel
Colleen Freedman