Congregation Ner Tamid


Our Sisterhood is a wonderful way to build friendships, nurture your soul, and expand your mind. It is also a way to serve your congregation and have fun. Sisterhood is an organization designed to appeal to women of all generations — to cater to women with multiple interests. We look forward to your involvement!

Our Mission Statement

CNT Sisterhood offers something for every woman and extends the hand of friendship to all. Together, as women, we embrace our heritage, foster mitzvot, serve congregants, support Temple and youth activities, promote camaraderie, and celebrate and support one another. Sisterhood members are welcome to attend any Board Meeting. The meetings are held at CNT at 6:30 pm on the second Thursday of the month. For more information, contact Michelle Blank at

The Fay Schoenfeld Fund 4 Youth program gives scholarships to CNT Religious School students to go to Jewish sleep away camp or day camp during the summer. Sisterhood raises funds from our Simcha Program, its Mark L. Fine and Family Gift Shop, its Hanukkah & Holiday Bazaar, and more. Historically Sisterhood provides up to $10,000 in scholarships to campers in need each year. Our goal is to provide CNT youth as many opportunities to attend Jewish summer camp as possible.

Sisterhood Events Coming Soon:



Contact Information

Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President