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Congregation Ner Tamid Issues High Holy Days Ticket Offer For New Las Vegas Residents
Congregation Ner Tamid, the largest Reform Jewish Synagogue in Nevada, is inviting Jews new to the area to buy tickets for High Holy Days Services and have those ticket purchases go toward the cost of Membership.
“If you moved to Las Vegas within the last year, we’d love to meet you during the High Holy Days,” CNT’s Executive Director Edward Simon said. “When you buy your High Holy Days tickets, we’ll apply those funds toward your new Membership with us. Please contact us in advance to schedule your tour of our Henderson campus and to pick up your tickets. We hope you’ll find your spiritual home here with us at CNT.”
“It’s 5785!” CNT’s Cantor Jessica Hutchings said. “For thousands of years, our people have commemorated this season by gathering, rejoicing, and doing meaningful accounting of the soul. We can’t stop that chain of tradition now! But, seriously, the year sometimes passes us by and we don’t have a chance to properly care for our hearts and souls. This is our chance to reconcile our year and start fresh. CNT is not only a special place to belong, but it’s a special place to reflect, renew, and reset for the new year. We have unique and beautiful services for people of all ages and walks of life.”
High Holy Days events at CNT begin on Friday, September 27, 2024, with a Serenity Shabbat and a Changing of the Mantles Ceremony. A Selichot Service and outdoor Drum Circle follow on Saturday, September 28.
Erev Rosh Hashanah will be observed on Wednesday, October 2, followed by Tot, Youth, and Traditional Rosh Hashanah Services on Thursday, October 3. CNT’s Religious School will participate in a Tashlich ceremony after Services on October 3.
A Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service will take place on Friday, October 4, and a Kever Dorot Memorial Service will take place at King David Memorial Chapel and Cemetery on Sunday, October 6.
A Kol Nidre Family and Traditional Services will take place on Friday, October 11, followed by Yom Kippur Tot, Youth, and Traditional Services on Saturday, October 12. Later that day CNT will host a Yahrzeit Engraving Dedication in CNT’s King David Memorial Garden and a film screening of “School Ties.” Starting at 3:00 p.m. that afternoon, there will be a Healing Service, an Afternoon Service, a Yizkor Service, and Neilah and Havdalah.
On Wednesday, October 16, CNT will celebrate Erev Sukkot in our Sukkah. On Friday, October 18, there will be a Sukkot Shabbat in the Round in the Sukkah and a Sukkot Congregational Dairy Dinner in the Sukkah.
On Saturday, October 19, CNT will host Torah Study in the Sukkah and the CNT MENSch Club will get together for a Sushi & Sake night in the Sukkah.
CNT’s Sisterhood will enjoy its own event in the Sukkah on Monday, October 20, and on Tuesday, October 22, a LevLock meditation event will be held in the Sukkah.
A Yizkor Service and a Simchat Torah Service Celebration with The Shabbatones will be held on Friday, October 25, Torah Study and a Sukkot Morning Service will take place in the Sukkah on Saturday, October 26, and, to bring a close to the High Holy Days, there will be a Serenity Shabbat on Friday, November 1.
“Our choir is what makes the High Holy Days at Congregation Ner Tamid so very special,” Cantor Hutchings said. “For more than two decades, Shir Harmony, our intergenerational choir has reached our souls through their music. This year will be no different.
“If you’re looking for a friendly sacred community, CNT is the place,” Cantor Hutchings said. “At the Holy Days, you will see a snapshot of what CNT has to offer with meaningful prayer song, community engagement, and creative programming.”
If you’re interested in learning more about Congregation Ner Tamid, want to schedule a tour, and purchase tickets to High Holy Days Services, go to or call (702) 733-6292 and ask for Roberta.