CNT is a K’hillat Chesed Members participate in Chesed activities that create an atmosphere of connection within our own Temple family. Visiting the sick, providing transportation to a member in need and phone calls of reassurance are just a few of the important mitzvot (good deeds) carried out by this special group of volunteers.
Bikkur Cholim Society
Volunteers are trained to visit the ill and injured in the hospital or nursing home. If you know of someone who would like a visit or a call from a Chesed committee member please contact the Temple Office at 733-6292. Together we are a K’hillat Chesed… a community of loving-kindness.
Rosh Hashanah Bags
Bags are created and delivered by the Chesed Committee to those congregants who are at home, hospitalized, or in residential facilities to bring cheer for Rosh Hashanah. We also send over 50 cards, and send L’Shanah Tovah wishes to college students.
Mitzvah Baskets
Baskets are created and delivered by the Chesed Committee to those who are ill or returning home from the hospital.
Shirley Kouffman – Chairperson